
Variable Speed Pumps

“Two speed or not two speed…”

jandy flopro pumpWith increased environmentally conscious home owners, rising energy costs and more complex swimming pool features, equipment manufacturers responded by creating variable speed pumps, virtually replacing single and two speed pumps almost overnight. In January 2012, the State of Arizona followed California’s lead by passing a law requiring all new pump installations to be variable speed. Whether the motive is to save money or conserve precious natural resources, consumers have responded positively to the new technology. Additionally, most utility companies offer a rebate to help cover the increased upfront cost of buying the variable speed pump. 

There are a few specific advantages of variable speed technology: cleaner, quieter pools, up to 70% savings in electric bills, reduced wear and tear resulting in longer service life of equipment, since they operate at more comfortable rates of resistance and flow, and greater flexibility in using your pump for various applications. For example, the pump runs at a given rpm when filtering, but has separate settings for spa therapy jets, water features, spillways and cleaning. This allows for more creativity at the equipment pad, and the ability to run several features using a single pump.

jandy flopro controllerInstead of running your pump for 8-10 hours, your pump will now run for 16-18 hours with only 3-4 on high speed, enough for the vacuum or infloor system to run, and to achieve proper skimming. But at a low speed it is the difference between having a light on and running your air conditioner.